The MySweetener is a charming, sometimes outspoken diabetes manager. The App pairs with a none invasive glucose reader to help track your levels.The app has a similar purpose as a diabetes logbook. It provides immediate feedback and helps you stay motivated. All your entries are synchronized with your smartphone.

The MySweetener diabetic manager application senior project ad. Checkout more about the MySweetener App at WWW.MYSWEETENER.SQUARESPACE.COM

The MySweetener is a charming, sometimes outspoken diabetes manager. The App pairs with a none invasive glucose reader to help track your levels.The app has a similar purpose as a diabetes logbook. It provides immediate feedback and helps you stay motivated. All your entries are synchronized with your smartphone.

The MySweetener diabetic manager application SmartPitch 2015 competition Pitch video.

DAZED AND CONFUSED X SUPREME CINEMA Video Lookbook 2013 (Directed By Rocko Seymour) Models: Joanna Tavares & John Freddy Hurtado

Dazed and Condused Apparel Lookbook 2008 collaboration with Supreme--Cinema.

This is a shirt art piece put together to promote

Dazed and Condused Apparel jewelry ad collaboration with JayCellavision.

Uploaded by Ian Pooran on 2015-04-16.

5 A.M horror silent short film. Written and directed by Ian Pooran, starring Hugo Macias and Ian Pooran , Camera Ian Pooran, Hugo Macias , Carrington Castillo. Speacial effects Ian Pooran. 

1 on 1 Interview for Dazed and confused Apparel at York College

My radio interview at York College with Mez In Your Mental shot and edited by P.S Production